JPC Certificates and Awards
APRIL, 2021
The JPC Committee proposes a “Monthly Awards” to recognize exceptional service of Participants. Here is an outline of what is intended:
- To reward JPC members the committee will review their submission on our Facebook Group
- The images will be critiqued and considered for monthly awards
- Each month will have its winners.
- Each winner shall be awarded a certificate and merchandise.
- Only the monthly winners are eligible for Annual Awards.
- The Annual Awards are worth a total of 1 lakh cash prizes and merchandise.
- JPC Directors, are not eligible because they are not able to Propose or Endorse, and may be participants in approval of Honors.
- No forms are required, except for the Report to the JPC Headquarters listing the Name, other relevant details.
- There is no limit to the number of images the participants upload on the group.
10. The shipping cost of the awards will be borne by JPC.